Friday 12 September 2014

39 Weeks ::

So this will definitely be my last pregnancy post. Unless this baby decides to make an appearance of her own accord, next Thursday I will be induced and therefore as long as it all goes well and reasonably quickly, hopefully I'll have a baby by next Friday.

I'm still feeling pretty good to be honest, I tend to get pretty uncomfortable by the end of the day and my back is still giving me quite a few problems, but I'm sleeping OK for the most part and managing to get around without any issues. I don't really feel like I've grown much in last few weeks, though I'm sure I have, I guess you just get to a size where it really doesn't make much difference if you get bigger or not.

Everything's been ready for so long now, that I have very little to do in terms of preparation. So I'm spending lots of time knitting and watching trash TV whilst the boy is at school.  Johnny and I have been on mass cooking missions and now have at least 20 homecooked meals stashed away in the freezer ready to go once the baby arrives. So his 2 weeks at home with us can be dedicated to staring at the lovely newborness and enjoying becoming a family of four.

Milo still seems pretty excited about the prospect of becoming a big brother, but I wonder if he feels it may never actually happen, when I consider how long the past 28 weeks must have felt for him. He's already picked out books he can read her for bedtimes and has helped me with all the preparations.

We still don't have a name, the couple we liked originally I think I've gone off now, but I guess we'll just wait and see when she's born, I think you get 6 weeks before you need to register the birth so that gives us quite a bit of time to make a decision.

I'm really hoping that I go into spontaneous labour before Thursday, but I guess at least I know I won't go over my due date and whatever happens I should have my baby in my arms within a week, so until then you shall find me pacing the streets of Cheltenham (one foot in the gutter), bouncing on my birthing ball, eating curry, pineapple and drinking gallons of raspberry leaf tea. Wish me luck!