Monday 22 April 2013

4KCBWDAY1 The House Cup ::

Day 1 of knitting and crochet blog week is here!
Today we choose our houses.

I was fairly sure of it already, but the mr has confirmed it for me, I am in the house of bee, and judging by the results over on the Eskimimi Makes blog I'm in the majority.

I like to start a lot of projects, not always finishing them...

#fmsphotoaday  Day 12 :: Surprise :: new yarn support and some extra surprises from dmc 

One of the best things that's come of my new designing career actually (despite getting to spend my days doing something I love) is that I have to finish projects, which is very good for me. I always have at least 3 or 4 projects on the go at the moment, one will accompany me wherever I go, just in case I get a few spare minutes, to add a row, or even just a couple of stitches. I like to get projects done quickly, I'd rather spend 2 whole days non stop crocheting on a project to get it done quickly, than I would doing a little at a time over a long period. I also love quick easy projects, for that same instant gratification feeling. Though don't get me wrong I also love a challenge and to learn new techniques. I'm a strong believer that in knitting and crochet, you just need to be brave enough to give it a go, and you'll likely surprise yourself with what you can achieve.

Really excited about playing along with this again this year, if you fancy taking part, hop on over the Eskimimi Makes blogs to see all the details.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree on the 'just be brave' aspect to knitting and crochet!
